
BikeTourPlanner is an open source desktop application for offline planning of bicycle tours based on the GraphHopper routing engine. It allows the user to generate routing data from OpenStreetMap(OSM) data on demand.

BikeTourPlanner is a nwjs application. It uses offline vector maps which are provided by OpenMapTiles and displayed using Leaflet and mapbox-gl-js. BikeTourPlanner comes with an integrated local tile map server which uses nodejs. BikeTourPlanner requires an installed Java 8 runtime.

The currently supported platforms are:

Implementation of support for Mac OS X 64-bit should be possible with few changes.

The look and feel is similar to GraphHopper Maps as most parts are identical. Here is a screen-shot of the main window:


BikeTourPlanner comes with the map and OSM data of Liechtenstein. The map features and the routing features are completely separated. This means that changing a region requires the user to switch the map in one step and in a second step to seperatly switch the covered routing area. The reason is that the data comes from two separated sources.

Map features

Routing features

Other features


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